The Almighty

Everyone should know me as the powerful God that can defeat any foolish monster that comes near me or my people. I have the tendency to either kill the monster or force the monster to crawl on his or her own death; it's your choice, you better pick what side you on wisely!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Treasure at last sight (Wiglaf brings treasure back to Bewoulf)

I believe I heard Wiglaf say some words to me while I was on the ground; it may have been the last words that I've heard. I believe he said something like "I found the Dragon's hoard!" I was too busy worrying if I was going to live that day or not. I was a little disappointed that I wasn't able to cherish the moment of victory with Wiglaf, but Wiglaf really saved us by killing the Dragon and not allowing him to proceed and kill everyone else. Wiglaf may have been a God that never claimed to be one. Without him being there to help me defeat the Dragon, no one would have ever retrieved the treasure.
Wiglaf and the Dragon's Hoard
Wiglaf's Speech
Wiglaf attempts to bring the treasure back

Death of the Great (Beowulf's death)

Now my body feels brand new and I feel more relaxed than ever. I know Wiglaf may not be able to hear my words, but I thank him for helping me defeat this monster. I didn't have time to share our victory together, but the treasure is what you can keep to reward yourself. Maybe if I wasn't blessed with evil in the battle against Grendel's mother, I may have survived this battle. Well it's actually a blessing that we don't have to worry about any monsters being in the way for now. I realzied that I have done many good deeds to help keep this world safe and under control. I would like to thank everyone who has always supported me and I would like for Wiglaf to cherish himself for one of the most highly anticipated moments in the history of the Anglo Saxons.
Last Stand
The good deeds have been done
All for Something

Revenge! (Beowulf seeking battle against Grendel)

Someone tell me why this foolish monster thinks that he will get away with killing my men. All I'm going to do is get revenge on Grendel by either beating him down badly and make him crawl on his own death, or I will just kill him; plain and simple. My legendary sword will never let me down no matter how much larger the enemy is. I will take Grendel down as quick as possible and with no help. He first crossed the line by killing my men, and he crossed the line again by breaking into my hall without permission.
Maybe if he would've stayed out of my hall he may have lived. To reward myself I will hang his body parts on my wall. Strangely, they have disappeared; who came up with the idea to steal my rewards that I've earned with courage? It may have been someone that was either related to Grendel, or someone that wanted to kill him as badly as I did.
The first monster Beowulf faces

Little against Big (Beowulf v.s. Dragon)

This is my last battle in all, and I may need help to fight the largest monster of them all. Either way this monster will be defeated just like the rest of the monsters I have defeated. I was full of energy when I entered the ring against the dragon, although he beat me down in the first forty five seconds of the battle; Thankfully Wiglaf helped me finish this monster off. I'm trying to get up off the ground and celebrate the victory with Wiglaf, but I'm bleeding and badly bruised. Hopefully Wiglaf can give me an extra boost before I pass out right in front of his own eyes. Wiglaf deserves to be nominated a God when I pass since he helped me out the most to defeat a huge monster like the dragon.
Last Battle

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

God against Evil "Beowulf and Grendel's mother"

I am the king when it comes to battle. Whoever think they can defeat me in a fight is absolutely wrong. Evil will never have a chance to possess the almighty God himself. Therefore, Grendel's monterous mother will not a stand a chance against me in this battle I am headed to. The sword that I possess has defeated every enemy that has stood in my way. Grendel's mother will pay for creating that monster (Grendel) that destroyed my men. No matter how long this fight will last, there's an one-hundred percent chance that I, the Almighty God will come out with a victory over this evil creature.
During the battle with this monster, it felt as if  my fame and anger gave me strength to secure the victory. It also felt as if I was blessed with evil, which I'm not sure is a good or bad thing but I may soon find out.
The Meeting